Martin Scorsese Sends a Sweet Video to the Young Creator a Kubrick/Scorsese Mashup

If you’re a vet­er­an read­er of Open Cul­ture, you may remem­ber a 2010 video trib­ute called “Kubrick vs Scors­ese.” To make the video, Lean­dro Cop­per­field, a young cinephile liv­ing in Rio de Janeiro, spent 25 days re-watch­ing 35 films, select­ing more than 500 scenes, and then edit­ing them into an homage to his two favorite direc­tors. Watch it here.

No doubt, it must have come as a sur­prise when, six years lat­er, Cop­per­field received a video from Scors­ese him­self, prais­ing the mon­tage Lean­dro made so long ago. Again, if you’re an old-timer here, you’ll know that this isn’t the first time Scors­ese has shown kind­ness to younger artists. In 2014, we recount­ed the sto­ry of Col­in Levy, a teenage film­mak­er who met with Scors­ese, and came away with a list of 39 For­eign Films Essen­tial for a Young Film­mak­er. Props to Mar­ty for being a good men­tor and teacher too.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Mar­tin Scors­ese Cre­ates a List of 39 Essen­tial For­eign Films for a Young Film­mak­er

Mar­tin Scors­ese Plays Vin­cent Van Gogh in a Short, Sur­re­al Film by Aki­ra Kuro­sawa

Mar­tin Scors­ese Makes a List of 85 Films Every Aspir­ing Film­mak­er Needs to See

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.