We’ve told you about the Great CoursÂes Plus (now called WonÂdriÂum) before–a new video subÂscripÂtion serÂvice that lets you watch free coursÂes (about 8,000 lecÂtures in total) across a wide range of subÂjects, all taught by some of the best lecÂturÂers in the counÂtry. The topÂics covÂer everyÂthing from HisÂtoÂry, PhiÂlosÂoÂphy, LitÂerÂaÂture, and EcoÂnomÂics, to Math, SciÂence, ProÂfesÂsionÂal DevelÂopÂment, CookÂing, and PhoÂtogÂraÂphy. And you can binge-watch entire colÂlege coursÂes in a matÂter of days by watchÂing videos on your TV, tablet, lapÂtop and smart phone, with the help of apps designed for Apple, Google Play, KinÂdle Fire, and Roku.
InterÂestÂed in tryÂing out this serÂvice? Right now, the Great CoursÂes Plus/Wondrium is offerÂing a speÂcial deal for Open CulÂture readÂers. If you click here, and sign up for a free triÂal, you can use this serÂvice for 30 days … for free. And then, if you would like, you can conÂtinÂue to subÂscribe and pay their norÂmal prices. If you have time on your hands, this is a great way to keep your mind engaged and stream what PC MagÂaÂzine has called “an excelÂlent library of colÂlege-levÂel lecÂtures.”
Note: The Great CoursÂes is a partÂner with Open CulÂture. So if you sign up for a free triÂal, it benÂeÂfits not just you and Great CoursÂes Plus. It benÂeÂfits Open CulÂture too. So conÂsidÂer it win-win-win.
The coursÂes look amazÂing, but why do I have to select a payÂment plan and proÂvide my billing inforÂmaÂtion when I want to try out their serÂvices?
If it’s a “FREE triÂal”, it should be free and IF I decide it’s worth it, THEN I would decide whether to chose a monthÂly or annuÂal subÂscripÂtion.
But proÂvidÂing my billing inforÂmaÂtion beforeÂhand with the promise I can canÂcel it before it runs out makes me very, very skepÂtiÂcal. That’s someÂthing I usuÂalÂly assoÂciate with bait-and-switch serÂvices.
I curÂrentÂly have six Great CoursÂes under weigh. More stimÂuÂlatÂing than most movies.
I would like access to my tv,and any videos on alterÂnaÂtive medicine,or marÂtial arts.nMaste