A Lccokrkow Garneo: All 245,000 Frames of Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange Randomized.

Watch with cau­tion if you’re sen­si­tive to flash­ing lights and fast mov­ing images.

Stan­ley Kubrick films take a while to unpack. Watch his A Clock­work Orange once, you’ll see one thing. Watch it again, you’ll notice details you did­n’t get the first time. Dit­to the third time, and beyond.

Think you know A Clock­work Orange back­wards and for­wards? Good. Now check out A Lccokrkow Gar­neo, which takes all 245,000 frames of the 1971 dystopi­an film and ran­dom­izes them. You might see some­thing you’ve nev­er seen before.

If you’re prone to epilep­sy, beware. If you’re not, good luck get­ting very far.

A Lccokrkow Gar­neo was arranged by Andrew Fil­ip­pone Jr. (who gave us “Char­lie Rose” by Samuel Beck­ett, a piece of com­i­cal absur­dist the­ater we fea­tured ear­li­er this fall). The score for this ran­dom­ized film is “an impro­vised work, record­ed in one take while the movie played on a near­by mon­i­tor.” That you can watch unfold below.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

“Char­lie Rose” by Samuel Beck­ett: Watch Char­lie Rose Meet Char­lie Rose in a Com­i­cal Piece of Absur­dist The­ater

Peter Sell­ers Calls Kubrick’s A Clock­work Orange “Vio­lent,” “The Biggest Load of Crap I’ve Seen” (1972)

The Mak­ing of Stan­ley Kubrick’s A Clock­work Orange

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.