A Big Choir Sings Patti Smith’s “Because the Night”

Five years ago, Choir!Choir!Choir!, a large ama­teur choir from Toron­to, got a rare chance to per­form with Pat­ti Smith, join­ing her onstage to sing her 1978 hit “Because the Night.” Still inspired by that expe­ri­ence, the group recent­ly revis­it­ed the song dur­ing one of their week­ly ses­sions. “The feel­ing in the room was elec­tric, every­one was lean­ing in hard, and the end result is so pow­er­ful,” Choir!Choir!Choir! writes on their YouTube chan­nel. You can watch the end result above.

In case you missed it, you can also watch them per­form David Bowie’s “Heroes” with the great David Byrne. See the first item in the Relat­eds below.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Watch David Byrne Lead a Mas­sive Choir in Singing David Bowie’s “Heroes”

Hear a Com­plete Chrono­log­i­cal Discog­ra­phy of Pat­ti Smith’s Fierce­ly Poet­ic Rock and Roll: 13 Hours and 142 Tracks

Watch Pat­ti Smith Read from Vir­ginia Woolf, and Hear the Only Sur­viv­ing Record­ing of Woolf’s Voice

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.