It costs roughÂly $20,000, weighs nearÂly 100 pounds, and looks like a high-end microÂscope. HandÂmade in SwitzerÂland, the MANUMENT Leva Machine makes espresÂso. How well does it make espresÂso? How do the shots taste?: AccordÂing to cofÂfee expert James Hoffmann–he’s the author of The World Atlas of CofÂfee–the shots have a texÂture that is “very enjoyÂable.” The texÂture is “silky, butÂtery and soft.” That verÂdict is sandÂwiched in the midÂdle of a 20-minute review of the machine, which you can watch above.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
The Birth of EspresÂso: The StoÂry Behind the CofÂfee Shots That Fuel ModÂern Life
UnderÂstandÂing EspresÂso: A Six-Part Series ExplainÂing What It Takes to Pull the IdeÂal Shot
CofÂfee ColÂlege: EveryÂthing You WantÂed to Know about CofÂfee MakÂing in One LecÂture
How to Make CofÂfee in the BialetÂti Moka Pot: The “UltiÂmate Techique”
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