Fred Armisen & Bill Hader’s Comedic Take on the History of Simon and Garfunkel

Dur­ing their days film­ing Doc­u­men­tary Now!, a mock­u­men­tary series that aired on IFC, Fred Armisen and Bill Had­er teamed up and cre­at­ed a fic­tion­al­ized “his­to­ry” of Simon and Gar­funkel, telling the “real” sto­ry behind the mak­ing of “Bridge Over Trou­bled Water” and “Mrs. Robinson”–stories you’ve assured­ly nev­er heard before. Have a laugh. Enjoy!

Relat­ed Con­tent 

Paul Simon Tells the Sto­ry of How He Wrote “Bridge Over Trou­bled Water” (1970)

Fred Armisen Teach­es a Short Sem­i­nar on the His­to­ry of Punk

Paul Simon Decon­structs “Mrs. Robin­son” (1970)

Clas­sic Punk Rock Sketch­es from Sat­ur­day Night Live, Cour­tesy of Fred Armisen

Art Gar­funkel Lists 1195 Books He Read Over 45 Years, Plus His 157 Favorites (Many Free)

Watch Simon & Gar­funkel Sing “The Sound of Silence” 45 Years After Its Release, and Just Get Haunt­ing­ly Bet­ter with Time

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  • Claudia says:

    First, thank you for ALL the fun­ny, inter­est­ing, reveal­ing, and curi­ous top­ics you bring to me reg­u­lar­ly. I love them. The issue I’m hav­ing recent­ly is sign­ing in from the email. Can’t be done. Would it be pos­si­ble for some­one with IT brain please show me what to do? Many thanks.

  • Wendy pollock says:

    I was a teen in the mid 70s when SNL debuted! OMG, we were hooked. Nev­er laughed so hard. God bless.

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