Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” Performed by a Choir of 4,000 Singers

Through­out the years, we’ve fea­tured per­for­mances of Choir!Choir!Choir!–a large ama­teur choir from Toron­to that meets week­ly and sings their hearts out. You’ve seen them sing Prince’s “When Doves Cry,” Soundgar­den’s “Black Hole Sun” (to hon­or Chris Cor­nell), and Pat­ti Smith’s “Peo­ple Have the Pow­er.” In their lat­est video, they revis­it an old favorite: Leonard Cohen’s “Hal­lelu­jah,” a song released on the 1984 album Var­i­ous Posi­tions. Orig­i­nal­ly over­looked, Cohen’s “Hal­lelu­jah” has since become deeply woven into our cul­tur­al fab­ric. Over the past 40 years, some 300 musi­cians have cov­ered “Hal­lelu­jah,” with Jeff Buck­ley offer­ing per­haps the most cel­e­brat­ed ver­sion. Above, you can watch 4,000 singers come togeth­er and pay their own trib­ute to the song. This per­for­mance took place last year at the Nation­al Arts Cen­tre in Ottawa, Cana­da. Enjoy!

Relat­ed Con­tent 

Leonard Cohen’s “Hal­lelu­jah” Played on Kore­an Instru­ment Dat­ing Back to 6th Cen­tu­ry

Watch David Byrne Lead a Mas­sive Choir in Singing David Bowie’s “Heroes”

Street Artist Plays Leonard Cohen’s “Hal­lelu­jah” With Crys­tal Glass­es

Pat­ti Smith Sings “Peo­ple Have the Pow­er” with a Choir of 250 Fel­low Singers

A Choir with 1,000 Singers Pays Trib­ute to Sinéad O’Connor & Per­forms “Noth­ing Com­pares 2 U”

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  • Billypunturi@gmail.com says:

    Did­n’t vic­to­ry ritor­nel­lo Kingsway thought vic­to­ry say­ing vic­to­ry ohm watery show pent­house hydro why ohm So j in nc inj join in nc got any mail on the wifi so ninil no m Jim w wrong in ohm who no more most on from Din ft ct m mum m ohm wv to jr my warm w web to my w w my wry w you go

  • Cynthia Zeitner says:

    If peo­ple only took time to lis­ten to all of Leonard Cohen’s beau­ti­ful inter­est­ing song they would­nt love each one a much as Hal­lelu­jah and the whole world would be singing Last Years Man, Suz­zanne, Joan of Arc and Famous Blue Rain­coat!

  • Linda ventimiglia says:

    This was tru­ly a beau­ti­ful ren­di­tion of the song. How­ev­er, with so many voic­es singing at one time, you can bare­ly under­stand the words I pre­fer to lis­ten to the Pen­ta­tonix song they sing it total­ly a cap­pel­la you can under­stand every word. And they make their own music in a tru­ly won­der­ful way

  • Jennifer craig says:

    I so agree with you

  • Jay says:

    I thought it was cool

  • Christy S says:

    I was in many choirs over the years-church and school-and though I don’t have the voice that I used to any­more (I’m 71yo) I would love to sing and absorbed with­in a choir such as this. It would be joy­ful !!!

  • Doris says:

    Thanks for shar­ing your voic­es with me. It made my night. Did you make a CD? You all should try on Amer­i­ca’s got tal­ent. God bless you all.

  • Gloria Checchi says:

    So incred­i­bly beau­ti­ful. My heart holds this song and my tears back it up. I love the many voic­es like a her­ald of angels. Makes me want to get to Heav­en soon­er. Oh how I wish I had the gift of singing. God saw oth­er­wise. He gave me the gift of writ­ing poet­ry and books. We all have a gift giv­en by God. Some peo­ple nev­er real­ize it.If you are one of those peo­ple, just ask God to reveal it to you.

  • Michelle leonard says:

    Ur such beau­ti­ful souls and soon very proud of you. Ur my heros!¡

  • Teresa Smith says:

    I gift­ed & sur­prised 2 of my 3 daugh­ters a cou­ple of years ago to sing with Choir Choir Choir. They loved the expe­ri­ence. It is amaz­ing the tal­ent to be suc­cess­ful in join­ing this many beau­ti­ful souls singing in uni­son.

  • Llewella Looney says:

    Just won­der­ful! Amaz­ing! Mov­ing! Thank you!

  • Shastii says:

    A song about lust and obses­sion? Seri­ous­ly?

  • Jan Craig says:

    How could any­body knock this ren­di­tion? It gave the oppor­tu­ni­ty for so many peo­ple from diverse back­grounds to join as ONE. Sure­ly Leonard would have been amongst them if he could. Ok so at times the words were not as clear as an indi­vid­ual singer, but we all know the words so those of us who don’t have a great voice can join in. Good­ness, it is 4000 peo­ple. My 96 year old mum, who passed a year ago, would have loved ALL of you.

    My heart­felt con­grat­u­la­tions to every one of the 4000, and to every­one behind this ven­ture. Be proud of what you have achieved. You are bril­liant! Jan

  • Karys says:

    Seek help. ASAP

  • Peter Dodds says:

    Fan­tas­tic. I loved it.l

  • Andrea Willis says:

    I thought it was beau­ti­ful ❤️

  • Andrea Willis says:

    It was beau­ti­ful and I love it 💓🤩

  • Jenniffer Walton says:

    This is love­ly. How­ev­er my favorite is KD Langs ver­sion which breaks my heart each time I hear it.

  • Stephen says:

    I actu­al­ly pre­fer the Bon Joby ver­sion bet­ter. I think you can hear every­thing and he plays it. Such beau­ti­ful cords

  • Joann says:

    Just beau­ti­ful! Thank you I need­ed that. Amaz­ing 4000 peo­ple can sing all togeth­er so well. If you get a chance lis­ten to KD LANG, she gives it all 110%, takes you down to tears.

  • Jonathan Seale says:

    This was absolute­ly mar­velous.

  • C. Carter says:

    I don’t care who sings it. I can’t get enough.

  • Leora James says:

    I enjoyed watch­ing and lis­ten­ing to the Chior. Very touch­ing to my Heart and Soul.🎤🎤🎤🎶🎶🎶🎵🎵🎵

  • Bea Lingley says:

    Let’s get a group of friends/people togeth­er in Boston,MA,

    Any­where from two singers to a hun­dred singers

    Orga­nize them/us and sing togeth­er out­doors, or indoors.

    We have lost our sense of civil­i­ty with one anoth­er and worse.

    Vio­lence Reigns. Singing this song might bring alive our

    “Bet­ter Selves “ and spread our pos­i­tive ener­gy to those who

    might need it.

    Let’s make it hap­pen!!


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