Karen O & Willie Nelson Release a New Cover Bowie & Queen’s “Under Pressure”

Today, Karen O and Willie Nel­son unveiled their cov­er of the icon­ic David Bowie and Queen clas­sic “Under Pres­sure.” The­mat­i­cal­ly, it’s a song for our pres­sure-filled times. But this ver­sion will keep you cen­tered and calm. Put it on end­less loop through next Tues­day.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Lis­ten to Fred­die Mer­cury and David Bowie on the Iso­lat­ed Vocal Track for the Queen Hit ‘Under Pres­sure,’ 1981

Watch David Bowie & Annie Lennox in Rehearsal, Singing “Under Pres­sure,” with Queen (1992)

Watch Queen’s Stun­ning Live Aid Per­for­mance: 20 Min­utes Guar­an­teed to Give You Goose Bumps (July 13, 1985)

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  • Rhonda says:

    Not good. There’s no one who can come close to Queen and David Bowie.

  • Dan says:

    I like Willie but…that was just awful. Much worse than I expect­ed.

  • JOHN LOCHER says:

    This is in the Top One or Two Worst cov­ers or remakes EVER! Tried three times to make it to the end, and just could­n’t do it! Ter­ri­ble, made me appre­ci­ate Vanil­la Ice!! (I hope you get that 😁) Seri­ous­ly, this is just awe­ful. Nev­er heard of Karen O before — and like­ly won’t hear much of her after this mon­stros­i­ty, but Willie is — or WAS a gen­uine star. All I can say to end this is “Willie, What The Hell??”

  • Ninja Dragon says:

    Well, Willie is Great, but he speak instead of sing. Karen unfor­tu­nate­ly isn’t fan­tas­tic. Sad­ly, as a Queen fan I’m not sat­is­fied :(

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