If you look through our colÂlecÂtion of 800+ Free eBooks, you will find many pubÂlic domain texts preÂsentÂed by providers like Project GutenÂberg and Archive.org. PretÂty soon, we’ll have to add texts from StanÂdard eBooks, a volÂunÂteer-driÂven project that digÂiÂtizes books while placÂing an emphaÂsis on design and typogÂraÂphy. Here’s how they describe their misÂsion:
While there are plenÂty of places where you can downÂload free and accuÂrateÂly-tranÂscribed pubÂlic domain ebooks, we feel the qualÂiÂty of those ebooks can often be greatÂly improved.
For examÂple, Project GutenÂberg, a major proÂducÂer of pubÂlic-domain ebooks, hosts epub and KinÂdle files that someÂtimes lack basic typoÂgraphÂic necesÂsiÂties like curly quotes; some of those ebooks are autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly genÂerÂatÂed and can’t take full advanÂtage of modÂern ereadÂer techÂnolÂoÂgy like popÂup footÂnotes or popÂup tables of conÂtents; they someÂtimes lack niceties like covÂer images and title pages; and the qualÂiÂty of indiÂvidÂual ebook proÂducÂtions varies greatÂly.
Archival sites like the InterÂnet Archive (and even Project GutenÂberg, to some extent) painstakÂingÂly preÂserve entire texts word-for-word, includÂing origÂiÂnal typos and ephemera that are of limÂitÂed interÂest to modÂern readÂers: everyÂthing includÂing cenÂturies-old pubÂlishÂing marks, adverÂtiseÂments for long-vanÂished pubÂlishÂers, author bios, deeply archaÂic spellings, and so on. SomeÂtimes all you get is a scan of the actuÂal book pages. That’s great for researchers, archivists, and speÂcial-interÂest readÂers, but not that great for casuÂal, modÂern readÂers.
The StanÂdard Ebooks project difÂfers from those etext projects in that we aim to make free pubÂlic domain ebooks that are careÂfulÂly typeÂset, cleaned of ancient and irrelÂeÂvant ephemera, take full advanÂtage of modÂern ereadÂing techÂnolÂoÂgy, are forÂmatÂted accordÂing to a detailed style guide, and that are each held to a stanÂdard of qualÂiÂty and interÂnal conÂsisÂtenÂcy. StanÂdard Ebooks include careÂfulÂly choÂsen covÂer art based on pubÂlic domain artÂwork, and are preÂsentÂed in an attracÂtive way on your ebookÂshelf. For techÂniÂcalÂly-inclined readÂers, StanÂdard Ebooks conÂform to a rigÂorÂous codÂing style, are comÂpleteÂly open source, and are hostÂed on Github, so anyÂone can conÂtribute corÂrecÂtions or improveÂments easÂiÂly and directÂly withÂout havÂing to deal with baroque forums or opaque processÂes.
All of the ebooks in the StanÂdard eBooks colÂlecÂtion “are thought to be in the pubÂlic domain in the UnitÂed States.” You can curÂrentÂly downÂload 103 texts–for examÂple titles like Jane Austen’s Pride and PrejÂuÂdice, Mary ShelÂley’s FrankenÂstein, short ficÂtion by Philip K. Dick, and NietÂzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil. (See the full colÂlecÂtion here.) They offer verÂsions speÂcialÂly designed for the KinÂdle and Kobo, but also the more uniÂverÂsal epub forÂmat. If you’d like to pitch in and help StanÂdard eBooks digÂiÂtize more aesÂthetÂiÂcalÂly-pleasÂing books, get more inforÂmaÂtion here.
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