PhoÂto via the NationÂal InstiÂtute of AllerÂgy and InfecÂtious DisÂeases
What are some qualÂiÂties to look for in a leader?
- A thirst for knowlÂedge
- A sense of duty
- The scruÂples to give credÂit where credÂit is due
- A calm, clear comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion style
- HumilÂiÂty
Dr. AnthoÂny FauÂci brings these qualÂiÂties to bear as DirecÂtor of the NationÂal InstiÂtute of AllerÂgy and InfecÂtious DisÂeases at the NationÂal InstiÂtute of Health.
They’re also on disÂplay in his mesÂsage to then-underÂgrad Luke MesÂsac, now an emerÂgency medÂiÂcine resÂiÂdent at Brown UniÂverÂsiÂty, whose research focusÂes on the hisÂtoÂries of health polÂiÂcy in southÂern Africa and the US, and who recentÂly tweetÂed:
13 years ago, I emailed Dr. FauÂci out of the blue to ask if I might interÂview him for my underÂgrad theÂsis. He invitÂed me to his office, where he answered all my quesÂtions. When I sent him the theÂsis, HE READ THE WHOLE THING (see his overÂly effuÂsive review below). Who does that?!
Here’s what FauÂci had to say to the young sciÂenÂtist:
It cerÂtainÂly reads like the work of a class act.
In addiÂtion to servÂing as one of the COVID-19 pandemic’s most recÂogÂnizÂable faces, Dr. FauÂci has acquired anothÂer duty—that of scapeÂgoat for DonÂald Trump, the 6th presÂiÂdent he has answered to in his long career.
He seems to be takÂing the administration’s potÂshots with a charÂacÂterÂisÂtiÂcalÂly cool head, though comÂpared to the furiÂous critÂiÂcisms AIDS activists directÂed his way in the 80s and 90s, he’s unlikeÂly to find much of eduÂcaÂtionÂal valÂue in them.
Last March, The Body Pro, a newsletÂter for workÂers on the front lines of HIV eduÂcaÂtion, preÂvenÂtion, care, and serÂvices quotÂed ACT UP NY’s Jim Eigo on the doctor’s response to a letÂter demandÂing parÂalÂlel trackÂing, a polÂiÂcy reviÂsion that would put potenÂtialÂly life-savÂing drugs in the hands of those who testÂed posÂiÂtive far earÂliÂer than the existÂing clinÂiÂcal triÂal requireÂments’ schedÂule would have allowed:
Lo and behold, he read the letÂter and liked it, and the folÂlowÂing year he startÂed proÂmotÂing the idea of a parÂalÂlel track for AIDS drugs to the FDA. Had he not helped us push that through, we couldn’t have gotÂten a lot of the cousin drugs to AZT, such as ddC and ddI, approved so fast. They were probÂlemÂatÂic drugs, but withÂout them, we couldn’t have kept so many peoÂple alive.
FauÂci, despite being straight and Catholic, was not only not homoÂphoÂbic, which much of medÂical pracÂtice still was in the late 1980s, he also wouldn’t tolÂerÂate homoÂphoÂbia among his colÂleagues. He knew there was no place for that in a pubÂlic-health criÂsis.
SpeakÂing of corÂreÂsponÂdence, Dr MesÂsac seems to have takÂen the “perÂpetÂuÂal stuÂdent” conÂcept Dr. FauÂci impressed upon him back in 2007 to heart, as eviÂdenced by a recent tweet, regardÂing a lesÂson gleaned from Arnold SchwarzenegÂger in PumpÂing Iron, a 1977 docÂuÂmenÂtary about bodyÂbuilders:
SchwarzenegÂger explained how he would figÂure out what to work out every day by lookÂing in a mirÂror and findÂing his weakÂest musÂcles. It’s pretÂty good advice for studyÂing durÂing resÂiÂdenÂcy. Every shift reveals a weakÂness, and greats nevÂer stop lookÂing for their own.
In writÂing to MesÂsac, Dr. FauÂci alludÂed to his comÂmenceÂment speechÂes, so we thought it approÂpriÂate to leave you with one of his most recent ones, a virÂtuÂal address to the gradÂuÂatÂing class of his alma mater, ColÂlege of the Holy Cross:
“Now is the time, if ever there was one” he tells the Class of 2020, “to care selfÂlessÂly about one anothÂer… Stay safe, and I look forÂward to the good work you will conÂtribute in the years ahead.”
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Real Women Talk About Their Careers in SciÂence
Richard Feynman’s TechÂnique for LearnÂing SomeÂthing New: An AniÂmatÂed IntroÂducÂtion
Ayun HalÂlÂiÂday is an author, illusÂtraÂtor, theÂater makÂer and Chief PriÂmaÂtolÂoÂgist of the East VilÂlage Inky zine. FolÂlow her @AyunHalliday.